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I am a completely ordinary person who suddenly started writing songs and singing them in 2022. I work as a self-employed person in the horse industry, am married and have two adult children, and have sung my whole life but only for fun, in the forest, in the shower and in a pop choir, but have never played in a band or attended any music school. What got the songwriting going was several factors that coincided in 2021-2022: pandemic adaptation of the choir, and then that a close friend got ALS and quickly lost the ability to speak, but could use his smartphone to listen. In addition, an ex died unexpectedly, and shortly after that I was going to celebrate my twentieth wedding anniversary with my husband. It turned out three songs at a fast pace, and I was in a hurry to book a studio so that my friend would have time to get some of my singing to listen to on his sickbed. Luckily, I had a festival organizer/musician in my phone book: Jim McGuinness who organizes the Säve Festival on my land when there is no pandemic, and he recommended a good producer, Johan Rask, owner of Rabbit Hole studios, Brewhouse in Gothenburg.. That's where it all started..
by the courtesy of Helena Richardsson